Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Death to the Republicans! Long live the Republicans!

Some great comments from a former Reagan Insider appeared on MarketWatch. As I've spent more time on America Speaking Out, I've begun to wonder what happened to the Republican party of old. There's an absurd amount of comments on there about abolishing taxes or moving to a flat tax rate, while you see very few upvotes on the untouchables of our Federal Budget (defense, entitlements, farm subsidies). It has gotten to the point where the so called greatest Republican president may not even be considered a Republican today.

The new Republican party seems to be absolutely drunk on supply side economics, defending (attacking?) the constitution, and focusing on religious issues. They no longer seem to be the party of fiscal accountability, utilizing policies of faith rather than logic. We've seen the effect of supply side economics and the idea that free markets are somehow efficient and can be controlled without regulation. This has led to increased national debt, the explosion of the wall street casino, and nearly the death of our economy.

With the extreme partisanship that exists today, one must wonder if someone can rise through the ranks to return the Republican party to its principles or will they be ousted for not being conservative enough (Link Link). Has their been enough shift in focus, that the onus is now on Democrats to be the fiscally responsible party (Link Link)? We'll have to watch to see if Democrats truly are becoming fiscally responsible, by putting welfare and social security up for discussion. Otherwise, we can only hope that a new party appears in time, or the Republicans wake up in time, to save our country from bankruptcy or all out class warfare.

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